After far too long a break, I got Sharon back in front of the lens for some light painting and infrared shots, which is alway great fun and was very productive. After posting Portal and Emblem on Facebook I got a …
After far too long a break, I got Sharon back in front of the lens for some light painting and infrared shots, which is alway great fun and was very productive. After posting Portal and Emblem on Facebook I got a …
This image of Sharon is the 4th image in my ongoing Translucence series and, as with the others, the colour of the fabric has been a big part of making each image unique. The only complication has been that the …
Having survived her first light painting shoot, a portrait with her sister, Sharon kindly agreed to come back and pose for some of the images that had been rattling around in the back of my head since that first shoot, …
After much delay, being too busy, and schedules not quite meshing, I finally got Sharon (right) and Lin (left) into the studio to take the pair of portraits that we’ve had planned for ages (shown here as a single image). …