
Well here is the next image in the rollergirls series. If one rollergirl is good, then two can only be better so I give you Slain Austen (rear) and Chemikill Hazard (front) of the Glasgow Roller Girls executing a maneuver …
Well here is the next image in the rollergirls series. If one rollergirl is good, then two can only be better so I give you Slain Austen (rear) and Chemikill Hazard (front) of the Glasgow Roller Girls executing a maneuver …
Shooting roller girls is always fun, but usually they’re whizzing past me at breakneck speed and merrily knocking lumps out of each other. So for a change if pace I like to drag them into the studio and shoot them …
A while back I spotted a green furry guitar in the hands of the Nanobots and decided I just had to shoot it with green electroluminescent strings. I got both Jim and Shona into the studio and, with much use …
Last week I shot my friend Sarah who, as her alter-ego Wild Oates, skates for the awesome Glasgow Roller Girls. I wired her up with electroluminescent wire and battery packs, gave her a couple of glow-sticks and let her skate …
This coming Sunday (07/11/2010) I’m running a light painting workshop for North Lanarkshire Council at the Summerlee Photomedia Studio in Coatbridge. The cost is £15 – some places are still available. To book, call David Peace on 01236 638463 or …
Having survived her first light painting shoot, a portrait with her sister, Sharon kindly agreed to come back and pose for some of the images that had been rattling around in the back of my head since that first shoot, …
After much delay, being too busy, and schedules not quite meshing, I finally got Sharon (right) and Lin (left) into the studio to take the pair of portraits that we’ve had planned for ages (shown here as a single image). …
After several years acting as a mirror address for this site, LightPainting.org has now been re-launched as a community based site dedicated to light painting. Please go take a look and sign up if you’re interested in light painted photography. …
If you want to have a go at light painting but don’t have a lot of high-end equipment, have a look at the Light Painting with Basic Equipment article in the Techniques section. It covers basic light painting using a …
After documenting my collection of cameras, I’ve just done the same thing for the lights that I use for my light painting work. They can be found in the Lights Gallery (under Techniques in the main menu) with each image …